This is long post I know, but please bear with me and read to the end...
Approximately 47.5 million orphans live in Sub-Saharan Africa, 1/4 whom have lost parents to Aids...2.5 million of those children live in Uganda.
MAKING A DIFFERENCE in the lives of those children in Uganda is the Watoto Ministry. This ministry is designed to not only help meet the needs of orphaned children and widows in Uganda, but transform their lives. The Watoto Model is the construction of children's villages, which provides a home-like environment where children are housed, clothed, fed, educated and spiritually discipled with the intention to train and equip them as future leaders. The goal is to provide holistic, residential care for every child so that each one will become a responsible Christian and a productive citizen of Uganda and Africa. Please visit to learn more about this wonderful ministry. Click the Projects tab and The Watoto Model link for specifics re the villages.
I would also like to introduce you to Charity Gray. A dear friend of mine and a true sister in Christ. Charity traveled to the Watoto village last summer on a mission trip where the team completed a four-room schoolhouse for orphan children in 3-1/2 days. She knew before she left that she would some day return; she just wasn't sure in what capacity. The trip left a lasting impression. Charity firmly believes the Lord is calling her into missions with the African nation, and the Lord has provided what she believes is "the opportunity of a lifetime." She has been offered a position through Watoto Ministries as a personal assistant to the Facilities Management Department. She will travel from village to village, interacting with Watoto moms and children while doing discipleship work and leading each household to taking on the role of a home owner. Another key element will be dealing with social issues involving the moms and children, utilizing the experience she gained while working for Greene County Social Services (Springfield, MO).
I tell you all this to allow you an opportunity to be a part of this incredible journey of faith and MAKE A DIFFERENCE. If you would like to assist in this ministry, there are several ways you can become involved...PRAY...GIVE...FOLLOW.
PRAY...for the children of Uganda, the Watoto Ministry, and wisdom and discernment for Charity
GIVE...partner financially providing funds upfront in order for Charity to leave for Uganda or support during her 3 year commitment*
FOLLOW...visit Charity's blog
Please prayerfully consider how the Lord may be leading you to assist in this life-changing endeavor.
*For accountability and tax purposes, financial gifts will go through Selmore Baptist Church (Charity's church home) and Selmore will then send you a tax letter.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. (James 1:27 NIV).
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